Making a Waterfall Countertop with LED River Inlay || DIY Concrete (GFRC) || Mancave Makeover Ep. 1

New build video is up on my YouTube channel.  This video explains how to make a one-piece DIY concrete waterfall countertop with an inlaid river of flowing LEDs that cascades over the waterfall edge (using neopixel LED strips).   

This is the first of two videos for a mancave makeover at a friend's house.  Part 2 will be uploaded within the next week, and will show how to make and install a reclaimed wood feature wall with floating LED TV panel, and the installation of the cabinets.

The countertop is made from a glass-fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) concrete mix, which is pre-cast in a melamine form.  I made the mix from scratch (recipe links are below).  I mixed 280 lbs of the dry materials (including powdered pigment) all at once, so the color would be consistent.  I used 40 lbs for the face coat, and the remaining in batches for the back coat with glass fibers.

I used an off-the-shelf LED controller that has MUSIC REACTIVE modes, chasing modes, and solid color modes, with an RF remote, to control the WS2812 LED strips.  The LEDs are covered by a smoke grey transparent acrylic sheet, which is inlaid so it sits flush with the concrete countertop.

MM-Inspired Build - Chris Gagnon's DIY Pendant Double-Ring Light

Chris Gagnon shared a video documenting the build process for a double ring light, which he indicates was inspired by Rings of Saturn light.  I think it came out pretty cool - well done Chris!

Here is what Chris said about the project: 

I wanted to put my own twist on it by using segmentation. I have always been interested in wood segmentation and the projects that you can make with it. This project is inexpensive and requires very little tools. All your friends will be so impressed when you start making things using this new skill you are gonna learn here. One thing I want you to take away from this video is that you don’t need to spend hours building a fancy jig for your table saw to do perfect segmentation projects and I am going to show you how right now. so lets get started.

And, in case you haven't seen it, check out the original video for my Rings of Saturn light.

NEW BUILD VIDEO IS UP! DIY White Concrete (GFRC) Table with Live-Edge Maple Inlay

I just posted the build video for my white concrete table with live-edge inlay.  I really like how this project came out -- very simple and modern.  I will be updating my Modustrial Maker website with more details and plans soon.